Valosopessa - Songs for soprano and guitar based on Johanna Venho's poems (2023)
1. Läpinäkyvä lapsi
2. Liidulla valo piirtää
3. Reunallatanssija
4. Lehdet susia suuremmat
(20') for soprano and guitar
Premiere: Korsholm Music Festival, July 29, 2023
Commissioned by: Tuuli Lindeberg and Petri Kumela
Valosopessa - Songs for soprano and guitar based on Johanna Venho's poems (2023) consists of four songs based on Venho's collection of poems Tässä on valo (Here is the light, 2009). The opening poem of the collection, in which a child named Valo (Light) is introduced, is the text of the first song. This song Läpinäkyvä lapsi gives space to the airy and flighty textures of the guitar, which the singer often comments sparingly and thoughtfully. Liidulla Valo piirtää is a scherzo-type, short burst-like song. Playfulness and lightness are strongly present. The latter two songs Reunallatanssija and Lehdet susia suuremmat represent the more serious side of the suite. These texts show the mother's tiredness and worry. The music becomes wider and heavier.
Virsiä (2017)
(ca. 5'). Kolmen virren sarja Leena Ravantin, Jouko Ikolan ja Kari Mäkisen runoihin
Tilaaja: Villivirsiä -työryhmä
Katukaupunki (2014)
(56’) sekakuorolle Silja Järventaustan tekstiin. Sävelletty yhdessä Lauri Supposen ja Juhani Junkalan kanssa
Kantaesitys: Klang-konserttisarja, Helsinki 1.12.2014. Helsingin Kamarikuoro, joht. Nils Schweckendiek