Pedagogical works
Open Spaces (2020)
(6 ') for guitar-kantele orchestra
Premiere: Tampere City Hall, November 3, 2021. Guitar and kantele students of Pirkanmaa Music Institute, cond. Ilkka Hammo
Commissioned by: Pirkanmaa Music Institute
Recuerdos de Käpylä (2018)
(5 ') for guitar orchestra, string orchestra and flute.
Premiere: Helsinki, May 23, 2018. Students of Käpylä Music Institute, cond. Ilkka Hammo
The Little Mermaid (2017)
(38 ') musical drama for ensemble (2 fl, cl, bcl, vl, vlc, pno) and live electronics for Lisa Pälikkö's libretto. Based on H. C. Andersen's original story
Premiere: Helsinki Conservatory Concert Hall, May 19, 2017. Students of Käpylä Music Institute and Timo Kurkikangas, electronics. Direction and choreography Lisa Pälikkö, music direction by Hanna Kinnunen
Commissioned by: Käpylä Music Institute
Bolerian Rhapsody (2015)
(13 ') for student orchestra (2 fl, alto rec, 2 cl, alto sax, 2 hn, 2 tpt, 2 min, pno, 2 gtr, 2 acc, str)
Premiere: Helsinki, November 18, 2015. Käpylä Music Institute Orchestra, cond. Ahti Valtonen
Commissioned by: Käpylä Music Institute